Friday, February 10, 2012

Potato Chips


  1. Thank you Don for sharing from your heart. It is times like what you are going through when our faith is really tested. Such a unique opportunity for growth,painful as It is.

  2. Good to see you! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm trying to hold onto what I've learned to stay in the moment with Christ while acknowledging the discord of the world. I call on those who went before me - figure they need help getting bigger wings :)

  3. You're delving deep my friend...

    How I understand such readings about leaving all you own behind to follow Jesus is more in the spiritual sense than the physical one. Of course Jesus isn't asking us to leave our homes and become homeless. He's asking us to share our wealth, share our God given gifts, and above all, Love and honor God. He doesn't want us to put our possessions higher on our "love meter" than He is.

  4. Don-Just watched all 3 of your video posts. Loved them all. This one especially. Someone years back had a song "Undivided Heart" and I have never felt I've had that fully. Definitely I default to looking at immediate circumstances and my own comfort over the eternal. It's really, really a tough one. Blessings
